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Manual Installation

If you’d like more control over what you import and are not using our web components, you can install our design tokens separately:

npm i @astrouxds/tokens


Each export target has the following files:

  • base.reference.*
    • All of the possible variables.
    • Useful in instances where there aren’t any system options.
  • base.system.*
    • A limited set of variables with semantic meaning
    • Useful for creating custom pieces of UI.
  • base.component.*
    • Component-specific variables
    • Useful for recreating existing Astro components.

CSS Custom Properties

@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/css/index.css";


@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/css/base.reference.css";
@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/css/base.system.css";
@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/css/base.component.css";

Light Theme Class

@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/css/theme.light.css";

A light-theme class that includes Astro’s light theme.

Typography Utility Classes

@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/css/classes/typography.css";

A few utility classes for applying Astro typography.

Body 1.rux-body-1
Body 1 Bold.rux-body-1-bold
Body 2.rux-body-2
Body 2 Bold.rux-body-2-bold
Body 3.rux-body-3
Body 3 Bold.rux-body-3-bold
Control Body 1.rux-control-body-1
Control Body 1 Bold.rux-control-body-1-bold
Heading 1.rux-heading-1
Heading 1 Bold.rux-heading-1-bold
Heading 2.rux-heading-2
Heading 3.rux-heading-3
Heading 4.rux-heading-4
Heading 5.rux-heading-5
Heading 6.rux-heading-6
Display 1.rux-display-1
Display 2.rux-display-2
Monospace 1.rux-monospace-1


@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/scss/base.reference.scss";
@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/scss/base.system.scss";
@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/scss/base.component.scss";


@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/scss-map-flat/base.reference.scss";
@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/scss-map-flat/base.system.scss";
@import "node_modules/@astrouxds/tokens/dist/scss-map-flat/base.component.scss";


import reference from '@astrouxds/tokens/dist/json/base.reference.json';
import system from '@astrouxds/tokens/dist/json/base.system.json';
import component from '@astrouxds/tokens/dist/json/base.component.json';

Nested JSON

import reference from '@astrouxds/tokens/dist/json-nested/base.reference.json';
import system from '@astrouxds/tokens/dist/json-nested/base.system.json';
import component from '@astrouxds/tokens/dist/json-nested/base.component.json';

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